Rich Kirkpatrick | Create - Believe - Lead
Sometimes it's not practical to read from a screen. Listen to Rich Kirkpatrick read his blog posts about the creative process, leadership, and how these intersect with everyday life and faith. Episodes are short, ranging from five to ten minutes. Rich is the author of MINDBLOWN: Unlock Your Creative Genius by Bridging Science and Magic. Every one of us is creative, but how do we unlock it? In his blog and book, Rich shows you how you can transform your ideas from imagination to creation. You can find Rich or his book at RKblog.com or on Amazon.
Rich Kirkpatrick | Create - Believe - Lead
No Mailbox Required. Be the Letter Sent.
Rich Kirkpatrick
Season 2
Episode 6
There is nothing like being physically present with people. No amount of snail mail or online social networking bonds us like a meal, a walk, or chat over a fire pit. Being seen requires proximity. But do we still know what it’s like to be seen?
Learn more about my book, MINDBLOWN: Unlock Your Creative Genius by Bridging Science and Magic on this link. It is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook.